III - Game mechanics
Other situations relacted with movement
How to resolve Wandering Movement by Sea or Air when it is not clear which of the adjacent Eidos extend further in one direction or another
There might be situations where it was difficult to interpret which Eido comes closer to the edge of the board. In these cases, an Oracle Roll can be made (see The Six-Faced Oracle: use 1d6 to get answers), or it can be let the GM decide. In any case, it is always advisable to establish before the roll to which Eidos will the character or animal move for the results of 1, 2, 3 and 4 during the wandering movement.
How to resolve Wandering Movement by Sea or Air when the number of adjacent Eidos is different from 4
The rule of four directions for wandering movement applies regardless of the number of Eidos that limit the Eido the character is on. Thus, in the case of 3-sided Eidos, one Eido will be the one that goes the furthest in two of those four directions. In the case of Eidos with more than 4 sides, the four main directions will be established first and, if a result is obtained that points to a direction where there are more than one Eido, an Oracle Roll will be made to determine to which of them the PC moves. Alternatively, the PC and the GM can agree before the Wandering Movement Roll which of those adjacent Eidos is closest to the PC's imaginary position, thus excluding from the beginning the possibility of access by the other Eidos if the result of the given pushes it in that direction.
Keep in mind that the number of sides of an Eido is always determined by the number of adjacent Eidos. Thus, when a marine Eido borders on one of its sides partially with a land Eido, this border will be subdivided into as many sides as there are different Eidos on the other side.
Traverse an Eido where there is an Activated NPC/Animal
If during the Movement Roll a PC passes by an Eido where there is an Activated NPC or Animal, the PC must interrupt his/her movement to resolve the interaction with these beings (which he/she can decide to ignore if they are Friendly or Neutral, but not if they are Hostile). Once this interaction is resolved or ignored, the PC will be able to complete the Movement Roll with the remaining PtMv.
End Movement in an Eido where there is an Activated NPC/Animal
If a PC ends his Movement Roll in an Eido where there is an NPC/animal already Activated, the interaction with him must take place before the Event Roll (TEv) will be made.
Arrival at a Place (Lg)
Places are Eidos in which there is some special element of an immobile nature (a sea cave, a land cave, a pond, a fountain or lavoir, some kind of ruins, a petroglyph, etc.). When a PC finishes his Movement Roll at a Place (but not if he simply passes through an Eido that is a Place), the GM will inform him that he is at a Place (Lg) before the player makes the Event Roll.