II- Preparation of the Game
Quick Reference Chart (QRC), Character Sheets and Tables
The game kit includes printed sheets of the PC types of the archipelago, indicating the Movement Points (PtMv) that it costs to cross each Type of Terrain, their Fight Value (VL) and Escape Value (VE), their level. of Attack and Defense (nAt /nDf), his Mount Control Value (VcM) and Communication with Animal (VcAn), and some notes on that PC's special abilities.
These sheets will also be available on the web to be downloaded and opened on a mobile device or printed.
It is not recommended to write anything on the index cards that come with the Game kit.
The parameters of the rest of the characters, animals and vehicles are collected on the folding sheet called “Quick Reference Chart”, which the GM must have on hand during the games. New lists of animals and characters will be published in pdf downloadable from this website in printable format in A3, as well as a blank model so that people who wish can cover them with new species.
The tables cited in this regulation can be consulted in the last pages of this manual.