II- Preparation of the Game
Previous Documentation and preparation of Game Guides
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Before starting the game, the GM must plan some basic issues, such as locating the lost Coin or Coins on the map. But the search for these pieces by the players is nothing more than a reason to launch an exploration that will allow them to discover the true wonders of the islands. Thus, in the course of the game, in the different Eidos of sea and land on the board, the PCs will find some of the species of animals and plants that populate that archipelago, corners of natural or ethnographic interest and spaces with unique elements. Some animals and plants can be dangerous, others beneficial, and others ambiguous in nature. Certain Eidos hide fountains, ponds, sea caves, unique trees, ruins of buildings from other times, petroglyphs or rocks of strange shapes with magical properties that fairy beings know how to take advantage of.
With the exception of fountains and lavoirs, these elements cannot be known with a simple glance at the board. The GM will reveal them to the players as they progress through the map. To know what elements exist or can occur in each Eido, the GM has the resources explained below.
Game Guides
In the Game Guides section The GM will be able to find basic material to prepare the games. There is a guide for each archipelago, at the beginning of which there is a Places table referenced by the Eido number superimposed on the board. The Places (Lg) They are Eidos that have one or more fixed elements – or that appear temporarily, but always at that point –, and they single out that Eido within the space of the map. Some of these Places contain spaces that players can explore inside, such as sea caves, land caves or constructions of various types.
Apart from this Table of Places, these guides include a series of headings explaining in which Eidos the different elements can appear, or indicating that their appearance depends on what the GM has in the Table of Rounds.
The GM must read the guide for the board on which the game will take place in order to set up the Game Master Sheet (ver páxina seguinte) and the Rounds Table.
In addition, a description of how the PCs can interact with the different characters, animals and monsters is offered; what use they can make of key objects, and where they should take the Coins in each case; plus some specific rules.
How to determine the types of “Treasures” and “Threats” that players can find in each Eido
Apart from the elements of the aforementioned Game Guides, in the course of the game the PCs will encounter some of the animal species that exist on the islands. This can happen when they roll a “Treasure” or “Threat” result on the Event Roll. To know which kind of animals can appear in each kind of Eido, the GM has the Fauna of the Four Archipelagos (ver contraportada).
This Basic Rules include 15 types of birds, 5 types of marine animals, 13 types of terrestrial invertebrates, 3 types of amphibians, 5 types of reptiles and 14 types of mammals. Although they may seem like many, they are only a small sample of the faunal wealth that the Park holds. In order not to make this rulebook too extensive, nor to complicate learning the game too much, information about specific plants is not contained. Nevertheless, more info will be published in this sitein particular about the types of “magical” or “poisonous” plants for the game characters.
With time, a live accesiible information system will be developed, to which the GM will be able to access using the QR code printed on the game board or by browsing from a portable device to this website where, in the “Character Sheet” section, will only have to open the file of the PC who made the Event Roll and you will find information about which animals, plants and objects can be presented as Treasure o Threat, as well as the type of Eidos where they can appear.
Research and expansion of the background by the people participating in the games
Beyond the resources described, the ultimate purpose of this game is to invite you to discover the natural wealth of the Park. Active participation in the investigation of their heritage and its integration into the world of the game with the mortar of the beings of our imagination is part of the recreational experience. So, Participants can use the first session of the game to learn about the natural characteristics of the archipelago., discover other possible species in the different types of terrain and the function they may have in the games, supporting their arguments with verifiable sources.
The list of possible tools, vehicles, weapons, magical talismans, and other items that the PCs can use is only limited by creativity.