
A role playing game inspired in the Atlantic Isles of Galicia

Discover the fauna and flora from the point of view of the animals themselves

Experience the history and archaeological secrets of the islands

Participate in a magical world inspired in our folklore

A set of 4 games

Illas das Marabillas is a collection of 4 games, each focused on an archipelago of the National Park, with a different board, which can function both autonomously, in games restricted to a single archipelago, and combined in macro games.

De 2 a 5 xogadores por taboleiro, de duración Axustable

As macropartidas que empreguen varios taboleiros ao mesmo tempo poden albergar un maior número de participantes, que poden viaxar entre as illas. As partidas poden durar de entre 1 hora a varias sesións. Grazas ao sistema de quendas é posible apuntar o estado da partida para retomala noutro momento.

Avda. Fragoso, 31 – 8ºA / 36210 Vigo (Pontevedra)

(+34) 681 16 16 24 /

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